Wx A weather prediction system that keeps you current... Weatheronix is my concept design of distributed weather prediction system. The history of this project rolls time back to 2012. The year I was gifted with my first tablet computer. After the power up, the first thing I saw was the weather-clock widget, which however displayed wrong weather status. It was chilling clear weather and status displayed was drizzle. This made me explore more on how weather is predicted . It is sophisticated instrumentation that capture weather information of large area. But having it deployed everywhere is currently not possible as it demands a lot of infrastructure. So this made me come up with a small device that can be put at home and is highly affordable. This is Weatheronix < Wx > Today 03 - Oct - 2018, the predicted weather was sunny and clear because of that I neglected carrying my umbrella. While returning from office, I checked weather status which was sunny. But the...
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