When I was prototyping a circuit in my college, one of the ground wire accidentally touched the positive of the power supply unit (PSU) and there by causing major damage to breadboard and PSU. This made me to develop this device that would avoid such accidents. This device uses LM2576 a switching regulator, LM317 a linear regulator, and ATMega8A for controlling the power supply unit. As this needs a real time protection, I have used OS for real time simultaneous protection. Protected Switching Power Supply: The block diagram of this device is shown below The AC step down transformer provides isolation from AC grid, the bridge rectifier and capacitor bank removes ripples to large extent, however small amount of ripples is present and this is not good for micro-controllers. In order to eliminate those ripples LM2576 is used. There is local linear voltage regulator to power the MCU, it also drives the relay and indicators. Why Operating System? As I
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